Samsara vs. Motive (Ex-KeepTruckin): A Comprehensive Comparison for 2024

In today’s competitive transportation and logistics landscape, optimizing fleet operations is crucial for success. Fleet management software empowers businesses to gain real-time visibility into their vehicles, drivers, and operations, leading to improved efficiency, cost savings, and safety. Two leading players in this space are Samsara and Motive (formerly KeepTruckin).

This comprehensive comparison aims to demystify the differences between Samsara and Motive, guiding you towards the solution that best aligns with your specific needs. We’ll delve into their core features, user experience, target audience, pricing, and customer support, ensuring an impartial and in-depth analysis.

By the end of this comparison, you will be equipped to make an informed decision and select the ideal fleet management software to propel your business forward.

Samsara vs. Motive: Pros and Cons

Target AudienceWider range of industries (transportation & logistics, construction, field services, waste management)Primarily transportation & logistics
ScalabilityHighly scalable, suitable for large and complex fleetsGood scalability for smaller fleets, may not be ideal for very large or complex operations
User Interface (UI)Clean and modern, detailedMore straightforward, easier to navigate
Learning CurveSteeper learning curve due to extensive featuresEasier to learn and navigate
FeaturesComprehensive features, advanced analyticsUser-friendly features, focus on core functionalities
Driver App FunctionalitiesWider range of functionalities (fatigue detection, advanced navigation, document management)Simpler interface, basic functionalities
Customer SupportExcellent reputation, dedicated support teamCompetent support, potentially longer wait times for complex issues
PricingGenerally higher price pointMore budget-friendly, potential add-on costs for additional features

Pros of Samsara:

  • Comprehensive features and advanced functionalities
  • Highly scalable for growing fleets
  • In-depth data analysis and reporting
  • Excellent customer support

Cons of Samsara:

  • Steeper learning curve for users and drivers
  • Generally higher price point

Pros of Motive:

  • User-friendly interface and mobile app
  • More budget-friendly
  • Easier to learn and navigate for users with limited technical experience

Cons of Motive:

  • Fewer advanced features compared to Samsara
  • May not be as scalable for very large fleets

Ultimately, the best platform for you depends on your specific needs and priorities. Consider the factors above and conduct demos with both platforms before making a decision.

Feature Breakdown: Unveiling the Core Strengths

Now, let’s dive deep into the core features offered by both Samsara and Motive, allowing you to identify the platform that best fits your fleet’s needs.

A. Core Features:

GPS Tracking & Fleet Visibility:

  • Real-time Tracking: Both platforms offer live location updates, allowing you to see your vehicles’ movements on a map in real-time. However, Motive boasts a faster refresh rate of 1-3 seconds compared to Samsara’s 30-second to one-minute interval.
  • Geofencing: Define virtual boundaries around specific locations (e.g., warehouses, customer sites) and receive alerts when vehicles enter or exit these zones. Both platforms offer this functionality.
  • Route Optimization: Plan and optimize routes based on real-time traffic, weather conditions, and vehicle limitations. Both platforms offer this feature, but Samsara integrates with third-party GPS navigators, providing additional flexibility.
  • Historical Data Analysis: Analyze past activity data to gain insights into driver behavior, fuel efficiency, and route effectiveness. Both platforms offer historical data analysis, but Samsara provides additional features like weather and traffic overlay for deeper context.

Driver Behavior & Safety:

  • Driver Coaching: Both platforms offer tools to monitor and coach drivers on behaviors like harsh braking, speeding, and idling.
  • Fatigue Detection: Both platforms use algorithms to identify signs of fatigue in drivers based on driving patterns and steering inputs.

Fatigue Detection: A Deeper Dive

Fatigue detection is a crucial aspect of driver safety technology, and both Samsara and Motive offer solutions to prevent drowsy driving. However, while they share the core functionality of using algorithms to analyze driver behavior, their approaches and capabilities differ.

Here’s a deeper look into their fatigue detection systems:

Data Analysis:

  • Both platforms: Analyze a variety of data points, including:
    • Steering wheel movement: Excessive micro-corrections, lane departure frequency, and slow reaction times to lane drifting can indicate potential fatigue.
    • Vehicle data: Sudden changes in speed or acceleration may signal decreased vigilance.
    • Driving patterns: Analyzing deviations from a driver’s typical driving behavior, such as increased variability in speed or route adherence, can raise fatigue concerns.


  • Samsara: Utilizes more advanced algorithms that factor in additional data points:
    • Time of day: Drivers are statistically more prone to fatigue during certain times of day, especially late nights and early mornings.
    • Driver’s schedule: Taking into account recent work hours and breaks provides context for interpreting driving patterns.
    • Historical data: Analyzing historical driving behavior establishes a baseline for each individual driver, allowing for more accurate fatigue detection based on deviations from their normal patterns.

Alerts & Interventions:

  • Both platforms: Trigger real-time alerts for dispatchers and drivers when fatigue is detected.
    • Alerts: May involve visual and/or audio notifications, including in-cabin warnings on the vehicle’s display or dashboard.
    • Severity levels: Alerts may indicate varying degrees of fatigue risk, allowing for prioritized intervention.

Additional Features:

  • Samsara: Offers advanced features that go beyond basic alerts:
    • Real-time intervention suggestions: Recommends specific actions to address fatigue, such as taking a break, switching drivers, or finding the nearest rest stop.
    • Integration with driver coaching systems: Can trigger personalized coaching messages or audio instructions within the vehicle to guide the driver towards safer practices.


  • Fatigue detection systems are not perfect and can be influenced by various factors beyond fatigue, such as stress, medication, or distractions.
  • These systems serve as aids and early warning tools, but it’s essential for drivers to prioritize proper sleep and avoid driving while fatigued for ultimate safety.

By understanding the nuances of Samsara and Motive’s fatigue detection approaches, you can make an informed decision about which platform best fits your needs for protecting your drivers and ensuring safe fleet operations.

  • In-vehicle Safety Features: Both platforms can integrate with dashcams and other in-vehicle safety equipment to capture events and provide video footage for accident investigations and coaching purposes. However, Samsara offers a wider range of compatible in-vehicle safety equipment models.

Maintenance & Compliance:

  • Compliance Management: Both platforms offer solutions for Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and Daily Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs) to ensure compliance with federal regulations.
  • Fuel Management: Track fuel consumption, identify fuel-wasting behaviors, and optimize fuel usage. Both platforms offer fuel management features, but Samsara provides additional tools like fuel tax reporting and integration with fuel cards.
  • Vehicle Diagnostics: Monitor vehicle health and receive alerts for potential issues to prevent breakdowns and improve maintenance efficiency. Both platforms offer basic vehicle diagnostics, but Samsara provides more detailed engine and vehicle health data.

Reporting & Analytics:

  • Data Visualization Tools: Both platforms offer dashboards and customizable reports to visualize key metrics like driver performance, fuel efficiency, and route effectiveness.
  • Customizable Reports: Generate reports tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to drill down into specific data points. Both platforms offer this functionality.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain insights from data to make informed decisions about improving fleet performance, optimizing routes, and reducing costs. Both platforms provide actionable insights, but Samsara’s weather and traffic overlay feature can offer additional context for optimizing decisions.

B. Additional Features:

  • Samsara: Offers custom location mapping, allowing you to define specific locations relevant to your business operations.
  • Motive: Provides a unique “Fuel Assistant” feature that offers real-time fuel price comparisons and route suggestions to help optimize fuel costs.

Overall, both platforms offer a comprehensive suite of core features, with some key differentiators in areas like refresh rate, in-vehicle safety equipment compatibility, fuel management tools, and data analysis capabilities. Choosing the right platform depends on your specific needs and priorities.

User Experience & Usability: Simplifying Operations for Dispatchers & Drivers

Beyond feature sets, user experience (UX) and usability play a crucial role in maximizing the effectiveness of fleet management software. Let’s explore how Samsara and Motive compare in terms of providing a seamless and intuitive experience for both dispatchers and drivers.

User Interface:

  • Samsara: Boasts a clean and modern interface with clear menus and navigation. While user-friendly, it might require some familiarization for users accustomed to simpler interfaces.
  • Motive: Offers a more straightforward interface with larger buttons and icons, potentially easier for users with limited technical experience to navigate.

Mobile App Functionality:

  • Both platforms offer dedicated mobile apps for dispatchers and drivers, allowing access to key features and data on the go.
  • Dispatch apps provide real-time fleet tracking, driver performance insights, and communication tools.
  • Driver apps offer navigation, route optimization, document management, and communication features. However, Samsara’s driver app provides a wider range of functionalities, including fatigue detection alerts and in-vehicle safety features.

Ease of Use:

  • Samsara: While powerful, may require a slight learning curve due to its comprehensive feature set and detailed interface.
  • Motive: Offers greater ease of use with its simpler interface and straightforward functionalities. However, this may come at the expense of some advanced features offered by Samsara.

Setup, Configuration, and Learning Curve:

  • Samsara: Offers a more involved setup process due to its wider range of features and customization options. However, provides dedicated customer support and training resources to ensure a smooth onboarding experience.
  • Motive: Generally features a simpler and faster setup process with less configuration needed. However, may offer fewer training resources compared to Samsara.

Overall, the choice between Samsara and Motive in terms of user experience depends on your specific needs. If you prioritize ease of use for less tech-savvy users, Motive might be a better fit. However, if you seek a more powerful platform with advanced features and are willing to invest time in learning and configuration, Samsara could be the ideal choice.

Target Audience & Scalability: Choosing the Platform for Growth

Understanding the target audience and scalability of each platform is crucial for selecting the solution that can accommodate your current and future needs.

Target Audience:

  • Samsara: Caters to a wider range of industries, including transportation and logistics, construction, field services, and waste management. Its advanced features make it suitable for businesses seeking a comprehensive solution for complex fleet operations.
  • Motive: Primarily targets the transportation and logistics industry, with a strong focus on owner-operator fleets and small to medium-sized businesses. Its user-friendly interface makes it an attractive option for companies seeking a straightforward solution.


  • Samsara: Offers a highly scalable platform that can adapt to growing fleets and complex needs. Its modular design allows businesses to add features and functionality as their requirements evolve.
  • Motive: While offering good scalability for smaller fleets, its feature set might not be as readily adaptable to the demands of very large or complex operations.

Here’s a table summarizing the target audience and scalability aspects:

Target AudienceWider range of industries (transportation & logistics, construction, field services, waste management)Primarily transportation & logistics
ScalabilityHighly scalable, suitable for large and complex fleetsGood scalability for smaller fleets, may not be ideal for very large or complex operations

Choosing the right platform depends on your specific industry, current fleet size, and anticipated growth trajectory. If you foresee significant fleet expansion or require a solution for a diverse range of industries, Samsara’s scalability might be advantageous. However, if you operate in the transportation and logistics industry with a smaller fleet and prioritize ease of use, Motive could be a suitable option.

Pricing & Value Proposition: Balancing Cost and Benefits

Understanding pricing structures and value propositions is essential when choosing the right fleet management software for your budget. Let’s delve into how Samsara and Motive compare in terms of cost and return on investment (ROI).

Pricing Structure:

  • Both platforms offer tiered pricing plans based on the number of vehicles and the features included. However, specific pricing details are not publicly available and require contacting the respective sales teams for quotes.
  • Samsara: Generally considered to have a higher overall price point compared to Motive. However, it offers a wider range of features and functionalities that may justify the cost for businesses requiring a comprehensive solution.
  • Motive: Often cited as a more budget-friendly option, especially for smaller fleets. However, it may require adding on individual features that are included in Samsara’s higher-tier plans, potentially increasing the overall cost.

It’s important to note that pricing can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • Number of vehicles: Pricing typically increases with the number of vehicles managed.
  • Contract length: Longer contracts may offer volume discounts.
  • Hardware costs: Some platforms may charge additional fees for hardware like GPS tracking devices and dashcams.
  • Custom features: Adding on specific features not included in the base plan can incur additional costs.

Hidden Fees: While both platforms generally avoid hidden fees, it’s crucial to carefully review the contract and pricing quote to check for any additional charges beyond the base plan price.

Value Proposition:

  • Samsara: Offers a comprehensive solution with advanced features, potentially leading to greater efficiencies, cost savings, and improved safety. However, its higher cost point might not be suitable for all budgets.
  • Motive: Provides a user-friendly and cost-effective solution for smaller fleets, but may require adding on features as your needs evolve, potentially increasing the cost.

Cost-Benefit Considerations:

  • Smaller budgets: Motive might be more attractive due to its lower initial cost.
  • Larger budgets and complex needs: Samsara’s comprehensive features and scalability could offer better value in the long run.
  • Focus on ease of use: Motive might be preferable due to its user-friendly interface.
  • Desire for advanced features: Samsara offers a wider range of advanced features for comprehensive fleet management.

Ultimately, the best value proposition depends on your specific needs and budget constraints. Carefully weigh the cost of each platform against the potential benefits and ROI before making a decision.

Customer Satisfaction & Support: Finding the Right Partner

Customer satisfaction and support are crucial factors to consider when choosing fleet management software. Let’s explore how Samsara and Motive compare in terms of user feedback, industry recognition, and support options.

User Reviews & Ratings:

  • Samsara: Generally receives positive user reviews on various platforms, with users praising its comprehensive features, robust reporting, and scalability. However, some users mention a steeper learning curve due to the extensive feature set.
  • Motive: Often receives favorable reviews for its user-friendly interface, ease of use, and affordability. However, some users report limitations in advanced features compared to Samsara.

Industry Awards:

  • Samsara: Has consistently been recognized by industry publications and analysts as a leader in fleet management software. It has received numerous awards for its innovation, technology, and customer satisfaction.
  • Motive: While not receiving as many industry awards as Samsara, it has been recognized for its user-friendly platform and affordability, particularly for smaller fleets.

Customer Support:

  • Both platforms offer multiple customer support channels, including phone, email, and online chat.
  • Samsara: Boasts a reputation for excellent customer support, with dedicated representatives available to assist with setup, configuration, and ongoing technical issues.
  • Motive: Offers competent customer support, but users may experience longer wait times or require escalation to more specialized support teams for complex issues compared to Samsara.

Overall, both platforms offer good customer support options. However, Samsara generally receives higher praise for its proactive and responsive support team, which could be a crucial factor for larger or complex fleet operations.

Additional Considerations: Staying Informed

Ongoing Legal Dispute:

It’s important to note that Samsara and Motive are currently engaged in a legal dispute. In January 2024, Samsara filed a lawsuit against Motive alleging patent infringement, false advertising, and misappropriation of trade secrets. This ongoing litigation could potentially impact the development and availability of certain features on both platforms.

Upcoming Features & Advancements:

  • Samsara: Recently announced the launch of its “Safety Insights” feature, which provides advanced driver behavior analytics and coaching tools. They are also continuously innovating in areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for fleet optimization.
  • Motive: Has plans to integrate with additional telematics providers, expanding its hardware compatibility and data integration capabilities. They are also focusing on developing features to improve fuel efficiency and route optimization for their customers.

Staying informed about these developments can help you make a more informed decision when choosing between Samsara and Motive. You can visit their official websites or follow industry news to stay updated on the latest advancements and potential outcomes of the legal dispute.

Remember, this information is current as of February 26, 2024, and both companies may announce new features or developments in the future.

Conclusion: Choosing the Perfect Fit for Your Fleet

Samsara and Motive both present compelling options in the fleet management software landscape, but their strengths cater to different needs.

Samsara shines in:

  • Comprehensiveness: Offering a wider range of advanced features for complex fleet operations.
  • Scalability: Adapting effectively to the demands of growing fleets.
  • Data analysis: Providing deeper insights with features like weather and traffic overlays.
  • Customer support: Boasting a reputation for excellent and responsive support.

However, it comes with a higher price tag and potentially steeper learning curve.

Motive excels in:

  • Ease of use: Offering a user-friendly interface ideal for users with limited technical experience.
  • Affordability: Generally being more budget-friendly, especially for smaller fleets.
  • Focus on specific needs: Catering primarily to the transportation and logistics industry.

However, it may have limitations in:

  • Advanced features: Offering a smaller range of functionalities compared to Samsara.
  • Scalability: Potentially not as readily adaptable to very large or complex operations.

Choosing the right platform depends on your specific priorities and context:

  • Larger budgets and complex needs: Consider Samsara for its comprehensive features and scalability.
  • Smaller budgets and focus on ease of use: Explore Motive for its affordability and user-friendly interface.
  • Advanced fleet management requirements: Samsara might be better equipped for in-depth analytics and driver behavior coaching.
  • Transportation and logistics industry: Motive could be a good fit if you operate in this specific sector.

Ultimately, the best way to choose is to thoroughly evaluate your needs and priorities, conduct demos with both platforms, and consider factors like budget, complexity, and future growth. By carefully weighing the strengths and limitations of each option, you can make an informed decision that empowers you to optimize your fleet operations and achieve your business goals.